Saturday, November 3, 2007


Flickr is one of those sites that seems harmless -- fun even -- at first glance, but once you start using it, it greedily swallows up your time like nobody's business. You may sit down with intentions of spending fifteen minutes browsing after lunch and before you know it, it's time for dinner. So please, people, use Flickr responsibly. Don't log-on if you've got things that need to be done. :)

Check out some of the images I found!

The Beautiful Game
Originally uploaded by
Kiki J
This is what I delusionally imagine all young boys who live in London do with their free time.

Going Underground
Originally uploaded by
I ♥ the Tube!

Originally uploaded by
It would be so amazing to have the right technology to create long-exposure shots like this one. I'm afraid my camera just isn't that cool.

On Holiday with the Trons
Originally uploaded by
Reasonable Jim

London would be an AMAZING place to do long-exposure photography!

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