Saturday, November 17, 2007

A New Generation of Artists

Hooray for computerized user-generated art!
I am officially in love with this site:

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Google Reader has been a love of mine for quite some time. I use it to subscribe to all of my favorite News sites (NY Times, the Post, BBC, The London Times, etc), to keep up with all my favorite bands and music blogs, as well as staying in touch with old friends.

To view my Shared Google Reader page, click here.

Saturday, November 3, 2007


My favorite podcast is MuggleNet's MuggleCast. It's run by a bunch of Harry Potter fans and it's been really funny and interesting.'s been a while since I've tuned in.

Also, I have been meaning to check out the London Times' new satire section which includes a podcast called The Bugle. It's supposed to be very funny -- that is, if you're not the America-loving, hardcore patriotic type.

The Bugle


Mac + Trojans = Failure

Everyone I have ever spoken to in regards to the Mac vs. PC argument cites the Mac's lack of viruses as a key selling point. I have been unamused by the way the shamelessly flaunt this fact in my face, as if because Macs don't get viruses they can do no wrong. Well, those days are over. There's a new gang in town and they've got on OS on their hitlist: OS X.

New Apple Trojan Means Mac Hunting Season Is Open

See, guys? Mac's not perfect. :)

Flickrtastic v.2

Originally uploaded by Breninblack
This is my attempt to play around with the 3-party apps from fd.


7 1/2 Habits of a Life Long Learner

Of all the 7 1/2 habits, the hardest ones for me to do are:
5. Having confidence in yourself.
7 1/2: Play.

I think these are hardest because I'm never sure if what I'm doing is correct and sometimes I work too hard and forget to play.

The easiest ones for me are:
6. Using technology to your advantage.
1. Beginning with the end in mind.

I am pretty good at knowing exactly how I want a project to look when it's finished and I am very good with computers and (most) technology.


Flickr is one of those sites that seems harmless -- fun even -- at first glance, but once you start using it, it greedily swallows up your time like nobody's business. You may sit down with intentions of spending fifteen minutes browsing after lunch and before you know it, it's time for dinner. So please, people, use Flickr responsibly. Don't log-on if you've got things that need to be done. :)

Check out some of the images I found!

The Beautiful Game
Originally uploaded by
Kiki J
This is what I delusionally imagine all young boys who live in London do with their free time.

Going Underground
Originally uploaded by
I ♥ the Tube!

Originally uploaded by
It would be so amazing to have the right technology to create long-exposure shots like this one. I'm afraid my camera just isn't that cool.

On Holiday with the Trons
Originally uploaded by
Reasonable Jim

London would be an AMAZING place to do long-exposure photography!

YouTube Discovery

The many wonders of YouTube will never cease to amaze me.

If you're looking for a good laugh...
...Check out Emma and Stephen from their early comedy days at Cambridge University.

If you're looking to feel heartwarmed...
...check out San Diego Mayor Sanders decision to switch his stance on gay marriage.

If you're looking to watch something strange...
...check out the band Blur's Coffee and TV music video.